Memorable moments at TEDxYouth@IGCSchoolTBD 2024
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The event featured 8 speakers who were outstanding students from IGC School, BMS, and Ambassador Bilingual Academy (Thailand) - partners of the IGC Group. These students, recognized for their academic achievements and excellent English skills, shared insights on various aspects impacting or influenced by innocence, including Society, Science, and Art. While these topics may seem abstract, the speakers delved into small, relatable aspects for young people, sharing new ideas through their own experiences and reflections.  

This marks the third year that IPS has hosted TEDxYouth@IGCSchoolTBD, adhering to international standards and undergoing thorough evaluation processes, earning recognition from TEDx globally. IPS stands as the only and first high school in Dong Nai province to be granted permission to conduct TEDx Talks.  

The program aimed to provide participants with opportunities to acquire knowledge, enhance language skills, and share new ideas. Moreover, TEDxYouth@IGCSchoolTBD 2024 inspired young people to engage, experience, and innovate on their journey of contributing to the community. 

Let's watch the memorable moments of the event! 


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