Mainstream program

The bilingual mainstream program embraces the MKSA (Mindset, Knowledge, Skills, Attitude) objective framework coupling with the engaging Project approach teaching strategy. Most notably, at IGC Kiddy, young learners can explore and broaden their horizons through STEAM-driven projects – an integrated approach of knowledge in:

S: Science 

T: Technology 

E: Engineering 

M: Mathematics 

A: Art 

With the mindset of a scientist, the problem-solving skills of an engineer – technician, and the creative thinking of an inventor empowered by STEAM, children learn how to utilize their multidisciplinary knowledge, and promote their creativity to properly response to real-life problems. STEAM, a creative and engaging instrument, assists children to positively experience and immerse themselves in learning projects during the school year. The acquisition of knowledge are not merely through passive one-way lectures therefore, but through fascinating content-focused activities, stimulating learners’ characteristically creative ideas. It is then not only their curiosity is satisfied, the seed of love and passion for technology also blooms. Experiences with STEAM-driven projects enable students to gain rich knowledge, develop critical thinking, build positive attitudes and master essential skills, and strengthen their confidence and morale every day. Aiming to establish a happy and creative learning environment for our global citizens, IGC wishes that via well-formulated activities for experiences and exploration of the world around, their childhood can be embroidered with an abundance of blissful memories."